Client Service Excellence is our Hallmark


This Client Charter is being crafted at a time when ZETDC is placing greater emphasis on issues that promote client service excellence. As an organisation ZETDC’s role is to keep Zimbabwe’s electricity lights and machines running. We feel obliged to make a promise to our clients on meeting certain standards on delivering service.

We will strive to continuously improve our service and any client feedback would be taken as an opportunity for self-introspection and betterment of services. This Client Charter, is the direction we are taking as a company with the aim of creating better relations with our clients.

Thank you



ZETDC, a state owned enterprise, owns and operates Zimbabwe’s electricity transmission and distribution system. Our role is to supply electricity in Zimbabwe. Our Clients are all parties directly connected to the transmission and distribution network and those who might connect in the future. These include domestic households, agricultural institutions, distributors, generators and large industrial companies as well as mining enterprises.

  1. Purpose of Our Charter

This Client charter sets out our commitments to our Clients and how we will work with them to achieve our respective business objectives.

  • The primary objective of our Charter is to commit us to an open, co-operative and professional approach to dealing with parties connected or intending to connect to the network.
  • The Charter provides an overview of the rights and obligations of parties connected to or intending to connect to the ZETDC high voltage network.
  • This Charter does not and is not intended to replace or override any Legislation, Law or Rules or Government and Regulator directives applying to ZETDC and the connecting parties.
  • Our Vision

To be the preferred provider of electricity regionally and related services globally. 

  • Our Mission Statement

We will strive to bring convenience to our valued Clients through the provision of adequate, safe, reliable electricity and related services at competitive prices.

  • Our Core Values:
  • Teamwork
  • Integrity
  • Client focus
  • Social responsibility
  • Innovation
  • Our Critical Success Factors
  • Pricing – It should be cost reflective and affordable.
  • Quality of Service – Meeting Client needs.
  • Quality of Supply – Robust Transmission and Distribution Network.
  • Security of Supply- Ensuring availability of electricity to our Client all the time where possible.
  • Staff Competence – Efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Communication – Client feedback on our services.
  • Infrastructure Protection – Safeguarding of our infrastructure by our Clients.
  • Bill Settlement – Clients striving to settle their bills timeously.
  • Compliance –Satisfying the laws, standards and requirements on electricity set by the State through the Energy Regulator (Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority).
  • Our Generic Commitments to the Client    

We will:-

  • place the highest priority on safety and always work in a manner that keeps our Clients, the community, our employees, and contractors safe from injury and harm
  • act honestly and with integrity
  • work with you proactively to understand your business and your needs, and help you understand our business
  • actively seek mutually beneficial solutions and offer you the most cost effective solution to meet the technical criteria
  • communicate clearly and openly with you and provide adequate information in a timely manner so that appropriate decisions can be made
  • ensure that interactions with you are efficient and productive as we recognize that your time is valuable
  • resolve complaints or disagreements quickly and professionally
  • operate the electricity network in accordance with our published standards and codes of practice with respect to the quality of supply
  • endeavor to automate and computerize our systems and operations in line with advances in technology and state this intention in various sections of this Charter for the information of Clients
  • lead the way in developing new technologies and new ways to help businesses stay ahead in the energy market and have a wide range of products and services to help our Clients
  • work with our Clients and relevant institutions to deliver energy solutions fit for our Client requirements as cost effectively as possible in an efficient manner.
  • Our Client Matrix
Internal External
EmployeesShareholdersWorkers Representative BodiesBoard of DirectorsPensionersSubsidiary Companies ClientsSuppliersFinancial institutionsResearch  institutionsCivic LeadershipsLocal AuthoritiesConsultants/ContractorsDevelopment PartnersSouthern African Power Pool (SAPP)Client Representative Bodies (CZI, ZNCC, CCZ) ZERA, IPPs
  • Our Client Charter Declarations
  • Supply Interruptions

We aim to get it right the first time, every time. If we do something to upset or frustrate you, please tell us straight away by calling us or contacting one of our service centres listed at the back of this charter.

  • Network Faults
  • We are dedicated to providing a safe and reliable service; however, network faults do occur from time to time.
  • All minor faults (such as replacement of fuses and broken jumpers) will be attended to within 24 hours in Urban areas and 72 hours in Rural areas, however longer periods can be taken for major faults and will be communicated to affected clients accordingly. We will endeavor to communicate with them on the progress we are making on the fault.
  • Planned Interruption of Supply

There may be need for ZETDC to interrupt supply to Clients’ premises for the purpose of maintenance, testing or alterations. The company will give the client at least 7 days prior notice of the interruption due to various works. Notification for such major outages will be given through the public media or may be local depending on the number of Clients affected.

  • Load Shedding

Load shedding is the deliberate  shutdown  of electric power in a part or parts of a power-distribution system generally to prevent the failure of the entire system when the demand exceeds the available capacity from generation sources and strains the capacity of the system which will result in the network collapsing. ZETDC will utilize load shedding in order to maintain the integrity of the network and will inform Clients as soon as possible when known in advance but this may not always be feasible on an interconnected system where incidents beyond our borders may necessitate load shedding. Restoration will be as soon as system stability is re-established. A load-shedding programme shall be published from time to time to give clients an idea on when to expert load shedding.

  • Construction and maintenance

We will work in conjunction with our partners and other stakeholders in ensuring that construction and maintenance of Transmission and Distribution lines and sub-stations is accomplished within set timelines. (Time lines to be negotiated at individual contract level)

  • Restoration of Power Supply

We will endeavour to restore supply to your premises as soon as possible, the maximum restoration times will be within 36 hours (urban) and 84 hours( rural) of receipt of a report or a call to the office concerned. This will be free of charge in respect of faults on our system, only work involving part of your installation will be to your account. If a fault occurs on your part of the installation, you are advised to seek the services of a private electrician/contractor. We will restore supply upon completion of repairs and after conducting successful tests on your installation.   

  • New Connections (where reticulation is in place)

After payment of full connection fees, ZETDC will have the service installed within 21 working days from the day all materials are availed.

  • New Connections (where reticulation is not available)

ZETDC will not accept connection fees from a prospective Client if ZETDC cannot provide the connection within the prescribed period for reasons beyond its control. A separate timeline will be communicated depending on the project.

  • New Connection Maximum Demand Clients

Where there is an application for new supply or alteration to existing supply, the company will carry out all the necessary system studies and give a quotation within 30 working days from the date of receiving the request. If the quotation is acceptable then the two parties can agree on the actual time lines for project execution.

  • Reconnection of Supply

ZETDC may be forced to withdraw supply for non-payment of accounts.  Should the Client settle all outstanding amounts and reconnection fees, supply will be reconnected within 36 hours (urban client) and 72 hours (rural client).

  • Meter Reading

It will not always be possible to read all meters every month and some bills will be based on estimates.  The Company undertakes to take an actual reading at least once every 3 months.

  • Meter Accuracy

The energy meter has a guaranteed accuracy of ±3%. Should Clients suspect meters to be operating outside these limits, testing will be done and results will be given within 7 working days.  If the meter is found to be operating outside the limit Clients consumption will be adjusted for a 3-month period preceding the test date. If the meter is found to be operating within prescribed limits, the costs of the test will be debited to the Client’s account.

  • Bill Payment/Electricity Top-up

ZETDC will strive to offer convenience to Clients in various bill payment options.  Should the Client opt to pay bills or top up their electricity over the counter in our banking halls or our revenue collection offices, the Client will not queue for a period exceeding 15 minutes. In an effort to promote client convenience ZETDC has also engaged the services of Third Party Vendors for selling of electricity top up tokens on its behalf.

  •  voucher purchase

The electricity token will be produced within 15 seconds of submitting a transactions.

  • Prepaid/Smart Meters

ZETDC is now installing prepayment/smart meters, and clients are now paying for electricity in advance. Once a prepayment/smart meter is installed at your premises you will need to go to ZETDC for registration of the meter. We will endeavor to register your meter within 15 minutes. Prepaid and smart meters will be registered within three days from the date of installation.

  • Bill Dispatch

In the case of credit metering, bills will be dispatched within 3 working days of production.

  • Quotations

When the client submits application form, the Quotation will be produced within

  • 1 working day from inspection for standard supply
  • 7 working days from inspection for non-standard supply and a site visit is required.
  • 30 working days for non standard supply where custom designs are required.
  • Confidentiality

We will treat your complaints seriously and with confidentiality.

  • Telephone Communication

We will answer the phone within the first 3 rings. Enquiries by phone will be answered immediately and if we cannot deal with your call immediately, an interim response shall be provided and advise as to when a final response can be expected. If the person to whom your query should be directed is not available, we will take your message and ensure that such person returns your call with minimum delay.

  • Written Communication

We will acknowledge receipt of written correspondence within 24 hours of receipt. If you write to us requesting our services or any information, we will reply within 7working days after receiving your correspondence. For correspondences that require investigation, we will acknowledge receipt of your inquiry within 7 working days and provide an appropriate response within 30 working days. If we cannot reply within these periods we will keep you informed of what is happening with your correspondence.

  • Client Complaints

We welcome all complaints and address issues promptly. All client complaints will be acknowledged within 24 hours and resolved within 7 working days.

  • Promises and Appointments

We will keep the promises and appointments that we make with clients at all times

  • Environmental Concerns and Safety

Ecological Environment

ZETDC, as a good corporate citizen will ensure that all its projects and operations are conducted in an environmentally friendly manner.


We will ensure safe operations at all times.

  • Quality of Supply – Transmission Grid


We will supply you with voltage within 225/390V +/-10% of the nominal stated voltage.


The supply frequency is 50 Hz +/- 5%.

  • Voltage-Distribution Network

Normal contractual supply voltage is 225 volts single phase and 390volts three phase.  Guaranteed deviations are 210 volts to 240 volts single-phase and 365 volts to 425volts three phase.  If there is suspicion that the supply is being given outside these permitted limits, ZETDC will visit the Clients’ premises for an investigation within 5 working days after receiving  the complaint. 

  • Open Access to the Grid

We will meet Clients’ contracted requirements on continuity of electricity supply and non-discriminatory access to the transmission system.


ZETDC expects its Clients to:-

  1. Settle their bills in full and promptly.
  2. Cooperate with and support programmes on the effective and efficient use of electricity.
  3. Use electricity for only those purposes as per contracted terms and tariff category.
  4. Provide us with clear feedback on service delivery system.
  5. Provide us with accurate information on all client correspondence.
  6. Be honest and ethical in your dealings with us.
  7. Communicate their issues clearly in order to enable our staff to deliver services satisfactorily.
  8. Avoid tampering with our meters.
  9. Treat staff with respect and courtesy.
  10. Report any vandalism, damage and theft of ZETDC infrastructure.
  11. Report any observed irresponsibility, impropriety and corruption by our staff.
  12. Allow ZETDC staff access into your premises inreasonable time frames for purposes of inspections, installations, meter readingand metertesting, removal, replacement or disposal of ZETDC equipment etc.

Guided by relevant regulatory framework, ZETDC will:

Compensate for loss of land use, properties and crops damaged within 3 months upon receiving requisite approvals.

Resettle households affected by construction of electricity transmission lines and substations within 12 months upon receipt of requisite approvals.


To monitor our success in achieving the standards set out in this Charter we will:

Monitor and evaluate our products and services against the standards set out in this Charter.

Formally review the standards set out in this Charter and adjust them in light of your comments and our ability. This will be done bi-annually.


Service Type No Required Performance  
Supply interruptions:-  Network faults     Planned Interruption 2.1 Faults will be responded to within: 24 hours- Urban 72 hours- Rural   We will give the client at least 7 days prior notice of the interruption.
Load shedding 2.2 Load shedding schedule will be published quarterly.
 Construction & maintenance. 2.3 Construction and maintenance will be accomplished within set timelines (timelines to be negotiated at contract level).
Restoration of power supply. 2.4 Supply will be restored in: 36 hours-Urban 84 hours- Rural (inclusive of response time)
New connections (where reticulation exists). 2.5 Service will be installed within 21 working days from the day when all materials are availed
New connections (where reticulation doesn’t exist). 2.6 The company will engage client and agree on timelines depending on the works to be done and availability of materials.
New connections (MD Clients). 2.7 The company will engage client and agree on timelines depending on the works to be done and availability of materials.
Reconnection of supply. 2.8 Supply will be reconnected within: 36 hours- Urban 72 hours – Rural.
Meter reading. 2.9 Actual meter reading to be done at least once every 3 months.
Meter accuracy. 2.10 The energy meter has a guaranteed accuracy of +/- 3%. Meter testing to be done within 7 days upon request.
Bill payment. 2.11 When paying bills Clients will not queue for period exceeding 15 minutes.
Voucher purchase 2.11a The electricity token must take be produced in 15 seconds.
Prepaid/smart meters. 2.12 The company is now installing prepaid meters / smart meters to enhance clients to purchase electricity tokens and manage electricity consumption from the comfort of their own homes. Prepaid/smart meters to be registered within 3 days from date of installing.
Bill dispatch. 2.13 Bills will be dispatched within 3 working days of production.
Quotations. 2.14 Quotations will be given to the client within: 1 working day from inspection for standard quotation 7 working days from inspection for non-standard quotation 30 working days for non-standard quotations with design
Confidentiality. 2.17 We will treat your complaints seriously and with confidentiality.
Telephone communication. 2.18 All phones will be answered within the first 3 rings.
Written communication. 2.19 Written correspondence will be acknowledged within 24 hours of receipt and reply will be given within 7 working days. For correspondences that require investigation, it will be acknowledged within 7 working days and responded to within 30 working days.
Client complaints. 2.20 All client complaints will be acknowledged to within 24hrs and resolved within 7 working days.
Promises and appointments. 2.21 We will keep the promises and appointments we make with clients at all times.
Environmental concerns and safety. 2.22 We will ensure environmentally friendly and safe operations at all times.
Quality of supply. 2.23 Voltage will be supplied to you within 225V/390V +/-10% and frequency of  power supply 50Hz +/- 5%.
Voltage distribution network. 2.24 Normal contractual supply voltage is: 225 volts- single phase 380/400 volts three phase. Guaranteed deviations are: 210-240 volts – single phase 365-425 volts – three phase.
Open access to grid. 2.27 We will meet client’s contracted requirements on continuity of electricity supply and nondiscriminatory access to the transmission system.


Your complaints, suggestions and compliments are important to us; you can send them to us using our contact details given below:

You can contact us in a way that suits you best – by phone, email, through our website, on facebook or by letter. Our office hours are 08.00 hours to13.00 hours and 14.00 to 16.30 hoursfrom Monday to Friday except on public holidays.





0242 704040 SHORT CODE 704

TWITTER @zetdcofficial

WEBSITE www.zetdc.co.zw

FACEBOOK @zetdcofficial

WHATSAPP +263 7192 19977/ +263 715 519 387/+263 715 519 389





TEL 04-780010; 772550



Tel: (04) 706451/5, 792861/5

ZETDC Power Grid Map


ZETDC Regional Client Service Map

The Board of Directors, Management and staff of ZETDC look forward to working with all our Clients and stakeholders to provide quality services that meet your expectations.

This Client Charter is issued under the authority of the Board of Directors

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