About Us

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) is a subsidiary of ZESA Holdings. ZETDC is responsible for the transmission of electricity from the power stations, the distribution of electricity as well as its retailing to end users.

Our Vision

To be the preferred provider of electricity regionally and related services globally. 

Our Mission Statement

We will strive to bring convenience to our valued Clients through the provision of adequate, safe, reliable electricity and related services at competitive prices.


What Teamwork means to me

If I support my colleagues they will support me too. By teaching others, I lighten the load I have to carry.


What Integrity means to me

If I lead by example I am creating a desirable environment to work. If I am open and honest, my colleagues will trust and respect me.

Client Focus

What Client Focus means to me

By interacting with clients well, I will excel in my career By demonstrating enthusiasm when dealing with clients the experience will be pleasant for both parties

Social Responsibility

What Social Responsibility means to me

If I show others they will in turn show concern for me. If I am ethical in all my dealings, I have served my nation well.


What Innovation means to me

If I am persistent and hardworking, I will be successful in all my endeavors. If open to new ideas, I will develop in a personal and professional capacity

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